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The Essential Role of Peer Support when Overcoming Brain Health Issues

 As a peer support specialist at the First Episode Center – Valleywise Health, Gina loves working with younger people and sharing her story. Gina has lived experience with addiction and a brain-health condition. Thanks to an effective care plan and tools she cultivated through the years, Gina has pursued her dreams and lived a fruitful and meaningful life.

“When I was younger, I battled addiction. I was in and out of different rehabs and was homeless for about five years,” said Gina. “I also had an unhealthy relationship that broke me, and I got deeper and deeper into depression and drugs. I didn’t want to be a burden on my family, so I lost everything – my home, my car, my job. Between the heat in Arizona, the drugs, psychosis, and the bad relationship, I started to experience brain-health issues, and my trauma began.”

Now, not only has Gina built a rewarding life as a contributing member of her community, but she is also helping other young people in similar situations find their path to success and a life worth living.

“One of the ways I help First Episode Center members is that I’m not clinical,” said Gina. “I talk to them like they are my friends. I want a safe place for us to share together. ‘Like, hey, I get it. I know what you are going through.’ My goal is to provide hope to members and their families and show them where to go when they do the work. After all my experiences, I knew one day I wanted to pay it forward and help others like my providers and support system helped me.”

Gina’s office is full of artwork created by First Episode Center members. It ranges from self-portraits and landscape paintings to wooden letters with self-affirmations and inspirational quotes that will eventually adorn the walls in the First Episode Center lobby. Additional funding and financial support from donors will help pay for caring staff members like Gina and subsidize supplies needed to help members create and express themselves through art.

“Art supplies cost money, but creating art greatly helps our members. Outside the clinical aspect, groups like art give our members freedom in their minds to just let go, have fun, and build support with other members who have similar or shared life experiences,” Gina added.

Each treatment plan is personalized at the First Episode Center in Avondale, Arizona. Psychosis is not a one-stop-shop, and everyone’s experience is different. Providers work to create targeted wellness recovery action plans to meet each member’s unique needs, which is why people like Gina and the role they play at the First Episode Center are invaluable.

For members to work with someone who had similar experiences – and know she was able to create a life with great value and promise – is important to members’ long-term success.

“One of my favorite things about this job is working with families,” Gina added. “Helping family members navigate their loved one’s recovery process is important to me, especially after becoming a parent myself. I try to provide hope to families and share that it takes time, but they are in a safe place, and they have support from everyone here. My goal is to share my experiences and show that it won’t be like this forever. Things will get better.”

To support the work of Valleywise Health Foundation.

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