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Giving Back – Making a Difference

Valleywise Health Employees and DMG Providers are the Heart of Valleywise Health!

At Valleywise Health Foundation, we exist to support critical patient and program needs.

Our mission is to directly support the Valleywise Health mission – to provide exceptional care, without exception, every patient, every time.

Employees & Providers Donated in 2023



Enrolling in payroll deductions makes it simple and easy to donate and give back to your patients and fellow colleagues. When you sign up, donations will automatically be made each pay period.

All employees and providers who give through payroll deductions receive a special Heart of Valleywise Health badge pin, recognition on Valleywise Health Foundation website, and acknowledgment on the Vine and employee Insider newsletter. All gifts qualify for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit. In 2024, you can donate up to $470 as an individual or $938 as a couple and get a dollar-for-dollar credit on your 2024 Arizona State taxes. In 2025, the amounts increase and you can donate up to $495 for single filers and $987 for joint filers and get a dollar-for-dollar credit back on your 2025 state taxes.

*Angel and Founder Levels receive Arizona Legacy Circle membership, exclusive invitations to donor appreciation events, premium naming recognition, and acknowledgment in digital signage at Valleywise Health Medical Center.

Together we can support:

Continuing Education & Training

Critical Patient Needs

Employee Helping Hands

Family Resource Centers & More

“Valleywise Health is a large company made up of thousands of people, but at the center of the organization is a heart for helping people – not just the underserved, underprivileged, and disenfranchised, but also each other.”

Camille Curtis-Schake
Executive Assistant

“We give from the heart. We give of our time, dedication, and donations, and we remain committed to Valleywise based on our hearts and the compassion we have toward our patients and community.”

April Ayers
Clinical Informatics Educator

“I grew up at Valleywise. Every single member of my family, including myself, my wife, and my two daughters, has been treated at this facility. Whether it’s a routine family visit or a trip to the emergency room, I trust my family will receive exceptional care due to the unique complexity of cases and the high-quality training provided at Valleywise Health.

I can’t wait for the opening of the new medical center next year. It’s a new energy and you can feel it when you talk to patients and staff — everyone is excited about this. It’s amazing to see something blossom right in front of you and we are so blessed to witness it.”

Dr. Bryan Roth

“My ‘why’ has changed dramatically from when I first started 13 years ago. In 2020, I was asked to lead two major projects at Valleywise Health. These projects lit a spark in me to become an advocate for our community and employees, not just the LGBTQ+ community, but everyone in need of a safe organization to receive top-notch care.

I joined the Leave Your Mark Challenge as an opportunity to continue giving back to our organization and encourage others to use the passion of their ‘why’ to do the same.”

Manny Soto-Griego, RHIA (he, him, el)
Health Information Management Director

“I specifically came to work at Valleywise Health because it is an agency that reflects my values. I believe in the mission and I recognize the importance of having a welcoming health system that delivers quality care to all in need without looking at someone’s resources or ability to pay. As a safety net hospital, Valleywise Health demonstrates that it cares for the community and I wanted to be part of that.

People who care about that community in the long term and want to make a difference should leave their mark as a means of strengthening positive health outcomes for all.”

Jason Vail Cruz (he/they)
Senior Practice Manager
Valleywise Community Health Center – McDowell

“I have been at Valleywise Health for 20 years as a Nurse and my father did his Medical Residency at Valleywise Health when it was Maricopa General Hospital off of the Durango curve. I have always loved the mission and the patients we support. We care for a diverse patient population that truly needs our care, support, and assistance with resources within our community. We help educate our future healthcare providers and healthcare staff as we are one of the largest teaching programs in Maricopa County. We get to make a difference every day in people’s lives.”

Monica Miller
Service Excellence Coordinator

We want to hear from you!

Please reach out with any questions or feedback, share a story about a patient or colleague, or tell us why you are passionate about your work at Valleywise Health.


Share Your "Why"

Share Your “Why”

Tell us why you are passionate about your work and how the system has helped your patients using the form above.

AZ Tax Credit

AZ Tax Credits

Through the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit, you can donate and get a credit on your Arizona State taxes. Learn more >>

Share Patient Stories

Share Patient Stories

We know every single one of you plays a vital role, specifically for your patients and their families and we would love to hear about it in the form above.

Volunteer With Us

Volunteer With Us

Join us at events like our Backpack Drive and Holiday Angel program. Learn more >>

Attend an Event

Attend an Event

Valleywise Health Foundation hosts charitable events to fuel the mission of Valleyise Health. Volunteer, attend, and donate to our healthcare events today. Learn more >>

Become an Ambassador

Become an Ambassador

Become an Ambassador for Valleywise Health Foundation and help us expand our impact. Contact us using the form above.


At Valleywise Health Foundation, we exist to support critical patient and program needs at Valleywise Health. Our mission is to directly support the Valleywise Health mission – to provide exceptional care, without exception, every patient, every time. Together, we support continuing education and training, critical patient needs, employee helping hands, family resource centers, and much more. Your donation supports the people, patients and programs at Valleywise Health.

Valleywise Health Foundation is a Qualifying Charitable Organization (QCO). Through the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit, you can donate up to $470 as an individual or $938 as a couple and get a dollar-for-dollar credit on your 2024 Arizona State taxes. Donations for the 2024 tax year can be made through April 15, 2025. In 2025, the amounts increase and you can donate up to $495 for single filers and $987 for joint filers and get a dollar-for-dollar credit back on your 2025 state taxes. We will send you a copy of your annual donation receipt each January. Keep a copy of this receipt and claim your credit using Form 321 when you file your AZ State Taxes using Valleywise Health Foundation – Code 20047. For questions, please reach out to or contact your tax professional.

Covered/reserved parking at Valleywise Health main campus, Desert Vista, and Maryvale is overseen by Valleywise Health Foundation. To be considered and added to the waiting list, if there currently is one, please email Geoff Anderla, Director of Operations & Information at Once a parking space is assigned, we ask for a gift to Valleywise Health Foundation of at least $400 annually, which is an automatic payroll deduction of $15.38 per check for Valleywise Health Employees ($400/26 annual pay periods) and $16.67 ($400/24 annual pay periods) for DMG providers. Although we strongly encourage you to continue your gift to Valleywise Health Foundation, you can discontinue your gift and the use of the parking space at any time.

The deadline to Leave Your Mark was August 4, 2023, however you can join the Heart of Valleywise Health giving program at any time. Giving opportunities and recognition details are available at

For every shirt purchase, $10 goes back to support Valleywise Health Foundation.

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